Thursday, April 17, 2008

Belly laughs

Mikayla has been such a funny little girl lately. Her favorite thing to do --or have done to her-- is to get tons of kisses right along her jaw-line and chubby cheeks. She will laugh and laugh, then sign her version of "more" when I'm done. And if I still pretend to ignore her, she'll shake her head like I do when kissing her. I have been meaning to catch it on video for awhile and finally yesterday set it up to take the video myself. Please excuse my make-up, hair partially combed, the double-chin from looking down. I seldom like pictures of myself and when I see me in videos, it's that much worse. You all know how that goes, right? Anyway, Mikayla is the point of the video. So just marginally see me and what I'm doing, focus on Mikayla. Okay?

Oh, and I updated my post from yesterday, too.


Mom In Progress said...

That's so stinking cute! I love that she's signing for more and then the little head shake. What a doll! Max watched it with me so we had to watch it three time so he could see her lots. He loved it too!

One Crazy Chick! said...

OMG she's adorable and signing and then shaking her head makes me want to keep watching.

Thanks for sharing Candy! It's contagious!

Alicia said...

Joshua wanted to watch too! He loved it! Of course, I had to do it to him next. :)