Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Random Things...

*Mikayla now has a handful of words, including Momma, Dadda and Daddy, Bumpa (Grampa), Buppy (puppy), Hi. She also knows and understands yes and no, and will shake or nod her head accordingly.

*She is still not what I would consider a walker, but she's close. She will walk between people or a person and an object, but she doesn't consciously let go and walk herself yet more than a step or two. She's so close!

*Mikayla is down to only one bottle a day, right before bed. I LOVE that, as it's much less dishes and just less hassle as a whole.

*Her favorite food seems to be broccoli. When I make it, she can't shovel it in fast enough. Though, that seems to be the case with most of her food. You'd think we were starving her sometimes with how she attacks her meals.

*Lilly has informed us that when she gets big like Mommy, she will get a baby and it will grow in her tummy with her food.

*While eating breakfast this morning, Lilly exclaimed, "That's amazing!" when I put craisins in with my Chex. "Amazing" is her new catch phrase for everything.

*She knows all of her upper case letters and we've begun working on lower case. She also likes to practice spelling her name.

*Lilly knows her full name, phone number, where we live (but not full address), birthdate, Mommy and Daddy's real names, and her sister's full names.

*Alayna just finished her 2nd quarter as a first grader. She was tested on her reading comprehension the other day and reads at level L, which apparently means late 2nd to early 3rd grade. Her basic reading (sounding out words correctly, etc) was tested to a sixth grade list.

*She is a tremendous help and seldom complains when I ask her to help with her sisters or help me do another task around the house.

*She can't wait until it's nice enough to ride bike and horse again. She also can't wait until it's simply warm enough to play in the snow (we haven't been above 10 for about 5 days now).


Anonymous said...

Mikayla might SAY "bumpa" but she LOVES Gramma!!! :-)


Carol said...

You have so many things to be proud of there! Great group of girls!