Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Crazy Weekend

We had quite the weekend and honestly, this is really my first time to get on here and update everyone. Grab a drink, this might take awhile!

We have been doing more projects on the house, or the property, I should say. We put a water hydrant in the barn and I'm so excited for the prospects this winter. If this works, I say if because we don't have it completely done yet, it will be much less of a headache for us when it comes to watering the animals. Until now, we'd been hooking up the hose, running it to the animals, then shutting it off and having to drain the entire the hose. Not so fun when it's 5 degrees outside. This new hydrant will ensure us that we don't have any draining to do, as it's supposedly frost-free. We shall see. Regardless, the southern section of my yard is now dirt and bob-cat marks, but the trench is filled. Tonight is the night for connecting the water supply, so keep your fingers crossed.

Saturday was filled with parties...and hospital visits. My dad had an accident while climbing into his tree stand on Saturday morning. He is now favoring a joke that has him 1" shorter, thanks to 2 compression fractures in his back. He is home and doing okay, but the next few weeks will be hard for him because he is not the type of person that can sit still for long (unless he's watching football or hunting shows, hehehe) I'm sure he'll be anxious to get the all clear to go back to work and just regular activities. We had a birthday party for my great-uncle's 80th, which was fun. It was great to see so many family members that I hadn't seen in awhile. And of course, it was great to show off my beautiful girls!

Saturday night we went to the community Halloween party at the school. The girls got enough candy that I think we can forgo trick-or-treating tomorrow night, but I'm told that's not an option. Oh well. They had a lot of fun playing games, seeing friends and just taking it all in. Of course, they were the 2 cutest kids in the place (we didn't dress up Mikayla because I knew a stroller would be horrendous to push and I didn't want to have to carry her in her furnace of a costume!) Here are some pics of our two princesses from the weekend...

I'll be sure to put up a lot more pics after tomorrow when they are all 3 dressed up to the nines. You all will be soooo jealous!

Sunday was a nice day of family. We went to our church for brunch, then went to our sister church to see baby Brett be baptized. I didn't get to see any of it because the service was in the middle of Mikayla's nap time and she wasn't having any of it. So I got her to sleep in the nursery and was at least able to listen to the service. After a nice lunch of lasagna, we came home and finished things around here.

One last thing to note, Mikayla has figured out how to pull herself up in her crib. She's only ever pulled herself up twice before, and both times were with encouragement from me and a little help, too. (she pulls herself up with our hands all the time, but gets shy of other objects) Anyway, she was chatting away in her crib, happy as a clam and supposed to be sleeping. She quieted down for about a minute, then started chatting and laughing again. Andy and I thought nothing of it, but then she started to scream! So I ran in there, only to find her standing and see her screams turn back into squeals. She was so proud of herself and to be honest, so was I! But that pride turned into panic when I realized that we hadn't lowered the mattress all the way down yet. She was standing there with the crib rail a little lower than chest high. YIKES! So we quickly lowered the crib mattress and still made it back into our room before the commercial break was over on Desperate Housewives. Talk about timing!


Mom In Progress said...

SOO Cute! I love the costumes. Can't wait to see them all dolled up on the big day. You've had quite the weekend and week to come too! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you on that water line!

Anonymous said...

EEEeehhhwww. What's up with Layner and the snake? I don't remember a snake in Sleeping Beauty!

Candy said...

That was at the Halloween party at the school. She was trying to scare Daddy with it!