Monday, August 10, 2009

You Know You're a Redneck When...

If any of you know us or have followed our blog for some time, you know that we like lawn-mowers. However, the mowers we like most are our "fun mowers" that we take camping. We have 7 or 8 fun mowers that run great but only 2 mowers that stay at home and are actually for mowing. And these mowers run mediocre, at best.

This summer has been incredibly dry (up until a few weeks ago, that is) and we haven't had to mow our lawn since Memorial Weekend. We finally got around to mowing it this weekend and we decided to mow with both riders to save time. Well remember how I said they run mediocre at best? First of all, neither one has a battery because all the batteries are in the fun mowers. So Lilly had to drive the PowerWheels Gator (which has a car battery instead of the PW battery...a whole other story) to each mower while Andy used her battery to jump-start the mowers. Then, we got about halfway through the yard when the drive belt on Andy's mower broke. It still ran, the blades engaged, but it wouldn't move. So what does my husband do? He calls me over to give him a tow. I thought he meant a tow to the garage. Oh no, he meant a tow around the yard. While still running. In neutral. With the blades engaged...

Yep, we red-neck lawn-mowed. I pulled him behind my mower while we each mowed the lawn. And wanna know what made it really red-neck? The tow-strap was baling twine. Oh yes he did. The only plus side to it? It usually takes about 3.5-4 hours to mow the entire yard--minus all the push mowing--and it took about 2 hrs with both mowers. But next time? I'll make sure he has a belt so we can still mow, but under individual power sources and farther apart than a 6' baling twine. I am just so grateful that the part we finished before the break-down was the front yard. No one saw us mowing the back and side-yard...I think.


Anonymous said...

I wish Alayna had taken pictures!!

Heather Forcey said...

That is hilarious! I would have loved to have seen that!

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine Andy grinning like a meat head and giggling like a little girl!!!!! LOL!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!! We need PICS!!

Candy said...

Oh Alicia, you know your brother well! Hahahahahaha