Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Today, I...

Was woken up at 6:15 to a little girl licking my hand and barking at me--it wasn't one of the dogs.

Changed a massive blow-out diaper before 7 am.

Got 4 kids (ages 4, 3, 2 and 3 months) into the vehicle and out again--twice--in -7 degree temps.

Read to all the kids and adults at storytime.

Had 2 kids screaming at me at the same time, more than once.

Was thrown up on.

Did 2 loads of laundry--wash, dry and fold.

Fed 4 kids lunch and 6 kids snack.

Made a few phone calls to pay bills.

Swept the floor.

Took out the garbage.

Did dishes.

Fed the dogs.

Re-programmed our DVD player.

Helped the kids clean up their toys.

Contemplated quitting daycare, then decided that one bad day isn't worth throwing in the towel completely.

Changed 12 diapers.

Changed a 2-year-old's clothes after she dumped 30 oz of water on herself (it's a cup with oz markings, so I know)

Picked up a chewed crayon that was ground into the carpet.

Broke up a fight between our overly rambunctious puppy and our much calmer dog.

...and it's only 4:00. I know at least one more thing that will be added to the list after 5:00 or so. Had a drink. I think I deserve it, how about you?


Mom In Progress said...

Heck ya you deserve a drink!! I would treat you to one too seeing as I could use one myself and my hubby got a raise. Ya for that at least. Otherwise, bleck! Its a total humpday.

LeeAnne said...

Oh. My goodness. Are all of your days like this one? I'd say you deserve a drink ... or three.

LeeAnne said...

Oh, I have to tell you this story. When I had your blog pulled up earlier, Maggie saw it and asked, "Who's that?" I told her it was my friend Candy. Maggie laughed and laughed and laughed about your name ... I guess she's never known anyone named for the thing she loves most in the world to eat! ;-)

Heather Forcey said...

Wow what a day! My first thought was why would anyone voluntarily go out of the house in -7 degree weather?! I got a great laugh out of your post, but I'm sorry it was such a rough day. Hugs!

Mom In Progress said...

Hey Girl...leaving a comment for you from my NEW blog. Old one still exists so you can change the address or just add it but I won't be adding anything to the old generally and if I do it will be on the new one too. Protection!! Haha!

Mom In Progress said...

Ok, it goes to profile and I protected that. Hmm, have to think about this. Ok the new address is: