Monday, September 15, 2008

We are pretty...oh so pretty!

Now that I've firmly got that song stuck in your head--with only a slight modification in the lyrics--I'll continue on with my post. Take a look at us.

Aren't we oh so pretty? Thursday night Andy was at a church council meeting, so it was just us girls at home. I had taken a few pictures of the girls and then was told "Let's get a picture all together!" Ummm, okay. After about 15 shots with missing siblings or chins or eyebrows or total blur, we got this pretty decent picture. Jealous, aren't you? And yes, my arm was getting awful sore from all the self-portraits of ourselves.

Then on Saturday, we were getting ready to go to a baby shower. Alayna took one look at me and says, "Mom, let me take your picture since your hair is actually done all nice." Hmmm, should I take that as a compliment, or an insult?


Sarah said...

Wow hot ladies! Andy's got his hands full for sure!!

Mom In Progress said...

Hmmm, I say go with compliment. A child can only mean that in a good way right? That's my story anyway. Love the pic but you do have a look on your face like you aren't sure even that one will turn out good. Haha, don't you love self portraits with kids.