Thursday, September 25, 2008

She's growing up

Mikayla has apparently had enough of this play-all-day baby stuff. Now that she kind of has the potty in the toilet thing down and can get other people to understand her about 50% of the time, she's ready for the real world...

She just walked up to me with a purse on each shoulder, a baby in her arms and her toy cell phone in hand..."Kiss?" She asked, while holding her face up to mine. How could I resist?! I honored her request for a kiss, then watched as she mounted her ride-on car and drove off into the sunset. Or maybe it was the entry-way. Either way, as Mikayla drove past me she waved and called, "Bye-bye! See ooo yater!"

I don't know what I'm most shocked about. That she did it all and was so mature about it, giving me a glimpse into the future...or that she looked and acted just like ME while doing it!

1 comment:

Alicia said...

OK, that just makes me so sad reading that! It's like she's growing up already! She's still so little! And are you saying she's PT'ing already??? Wow! I know your older two PT'd young, but I didn't know they'd catch on this early! Maybe I should send my kids to your house!