Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Alayna's first day of Second grade!

Where has the time gone?! Alayna is now, officially, a Second Grader. She started school this morning, along with millions of other kids across the country. Her teacher is a friend of mine, and Alayna couldn't be more excited. All summer long, she anxiously waited for her placement card to find out who's class she was in. There was no doubt when she got the post card in the mail. I heard her screaming up the driveway from the mailbox the entire time. She was so excited that she couldn't even sleep last night. When I went in to check on her at 9:15, she was still wide awake, laying there in the dark. She'd been in bed since a little before 8:00. "I'm too excited!" she told me. "I can't sleep. I keep thinking about school and all the fun things I'll learn." Yes, she loves school. She loves learning new things and being challenged. She honestly couldn't wait for this day to come. I hope this school-year goes just as well as the other 2 have. I'm sure it will.

**I posted below about our camping weekend, too!


Mom In Progress said...

Go Alayna!! I hope she has a fabulous day. I'm sure it will be another wonderful year for your smarty pants. ;)

Alicia said...

She looks so grown up in that full body shot! Wow! I remember 2nd grade. It was a great year b/c I had a really fun teacher. A great teacher can make all the difference. I hope Alayna really enjoys 2nd grade!