Sunday, September 7, 2008

Part 2: Bee-utiful...or not

Part 1

So Andy called me at break time on Thursday morning and I'm not kidding you when he starts talking about snowmobile helmets, torches, flaming t-shirts on a stick and all other wonderful things. He had apparently mentioned it to some of the guys at work and they all had ingenious ideas on how to get rid of the hive. I was listening to him talk and thinking "You have got to be kidding me!"

So he gets home and within minutes the phone rings. He grabs it, disappears into the garage and comes back in the house a few minutes later.

"Your dad says to shoot it with a shot-gun." That was met with much laughter on my part. Right, because you are going to hit thousands of little, tiny bugs with some shot. All you'll do is rip apart the hive and quickly disperse those thousands of now very angry, little bugs. Yeah, well my dad came over an hour later and they proceeded to get the shot-gun, change the chokes for a smaller pattern and put the dog in the house. They were honestly going to shoot the hive. I'm not going to say what I was thinking. I'm sure you all can figure it out.

They decided that Dad would shoot the hive, then Andy would spray it with wasp-killer immediately after the shot...

Wonder of all wonders, it actually worked. I guess the shot stunned them all enough that the bees/wasps/hornets/whatever fell to the driveway, where Andy sprayed them all. Then he sprayed the remainder of the hive for good measure. While spraying up into the tree, he spotted another hive about 4 feet above the first and half as big. So they shot that one, too. I'm telling you, it was like bee heaven in that maple tree. And if that was bee heaven, well the driveway was like bee hell. Because it looked like a massacre had happened, all the bee bodies spread about like leaves. It was kinda creepy, actually. But hey, at least they are gone!
Dad didn't come over just for the bees. Andy needed help on something with his car that I couldn't help with, so they did that, too. And I fed him my homemade potato soup. Aren't you jealous now that you weren't here for the excitement and the soup?


Mom In Progress said...

WOW! I'm impressed that worked! Way to go for them on getting the job done but I was cracking up at all the ideas. Sounds like a bunch of guys for sure. ;)

LeeAnne said...

That is hilarious. And the pictures of your dad pointing the gun up toward the tree ... it has "You know you're in the South when ..." written all over it! :-)

Anonymous said...

And that's why we love a country man!!