Friday, October 30, 2009

You says Me

We have the Leap Frog Fridge Phonics for the girls.  Mikayla loves playing with it and plugging in the various letter magnets.  The base recognizes what letter is in the window and will sing a little song about that letter.  The song gets stuck in my head for hours on end...

"P says 'puh', P says 'puh'.  Every letter makes a sound.  P says 'puh'."  When a letter has two sounds, like A, it does both.  "A says 'ah' and A says 'aye'.  Every letter makes a sound.  A says 'ah' and 'aye'."

The other day, my mom and I were sitting in the kitchen and Mikayla was playing with the Fridge Phonics on the floor.  "U says 'uh' and U says 'you'..."  Mikayla gasped and said, "Mommy!  U says ME!"

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