Monday, December 15, 2008

Coming soon...

The theatrical performances of our three girls, as soon as Andy can splice together my camera cord (thanks, Marley.)

The girls had their Sunday school Christmas program yesterday and it was adorable, from what I saw. See, I didn't get to go. I was home sick with a bizarre flu that left me feeling like I was on the verge of puking (or the other end) any moment, though I never did either. I had no energy and slept all day long. Now today I feel fine, just that blah-ness of The Day After.

So anyway, my wonderful husband got the girls up, ready and to church, took video of the program and got them all home--all in the beginning stages of a snow storm. My dad read the lessons I was supposed to read, and Andrea and my mom took over the program portions that I was supposed to be helping with. THANKS GUYS!


Anonymous said...

You're welcome! You missed a lovely program, but I'm glad that you are feeling much better! It's much too busy a time to have the "yucks"!

Lovya - Mom

Mom In Progress said...

Glad you are feeling better and I hope no one else got it!!