Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Every day this month, I've been posting at least one FaceBook status saying I'm thankful for something. Some days it's been something silly, like left-over Halloween candy that I can munch while the kids nap. Some days it's something not silly, but not overly huge, either. Like when I said I was thankful for a good book to get lost in. In the grand scheme of things, a book is a book. But in the moment, when I'm able to relax and enjoy a story woven by someone else, it's pretty big. Other days it's been something serious, like being thankful for a husband who takes care of the unimportant, but meaningful, things--like filling my tank with gas for me before a road-trip without him, or buying me a bottle of Sierra Mist on his way home, or setting out a towel when I'm in the shower and he sees I've forgotten to get one out myself. Challenging myself to find something to be thankful for each and every day has been an eye-opener. It's made me realize just how much I have, and how blessed I really am.

Emily at Chatting at the Sky is asking us to unwrap the daily gifts amidst the ordinary, sometimes messy, lives we live.


Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

I find most of my greatest blessings are right under my nose.

Dawn said...

i saw someone doing this and jumped right in! but i might have forgotten if you hadn't reminded me! thanks!

Unknown said...

Sometimes the small and silly is more than enough though,