Thursday, June 24, 2010


Alayna got two brackets put on her front teeth a few weeks ago. This picture is even old compared to how she looks now. It's amazing how quickly things can change. Her expander (the pink things you see on her molars) was turned nightly for a month, slowly expanding her upper jaw to make room for all her teeth. The expander is now just holding space for a little while longer, to make sure that her jaw doesn't move right back. She has the two front brackets to pull her front teeth together in order to allow room for her missing tooth to finally move in. Well, it has and is now peeking through her gum...9+ months after she lost it.

She's no longer our Snaggle Tooth! The snaggleness is gone and she's really looking great with her teeth in some semblance of order. Like I've mentioned before, I know what she's going through and how much better it feels in the long run to have nice, straight teeth. And I keep reminding her of that when she complains of not being able to eat caramels, or chew gum, or have chewy candy. I can't wait to show the completion pics!


Mom In Progress said...

WOW!! Very cool. I never had braces but Jack is up for them and I don't really know what to expect in a lot of ways so its exciting to hear how fast its straightening all those pretty white teeth out. Yeah Alayna for doing such a great job. :D

Heather Forcey said...

It seems like orthodontists are able to do things for kids when they are much younger now-a-days. I remember visiting the ortho in 3rd grade, but nothing actually got put on my teeth until I was in junior high. That beautiful smile will be worth it in the end!