Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I have been sick.  Not pukey sick, but coughing until I think I'm going to pass out because I cannot catch my breath sick.  I went in to the doctor after 4 days of it, telling them I'd see whomever was available.  The doc (whom I'd never seen nor heard of) listened to me breathe, took my temp and blood pressure and proclaimed it a virus that perfectly mimics influenza minus the body aches.  Since I'd had my flu shot, there was no sense in testing for influenza.  Then she told me that it could turn into pneumonia, or bronchitis, and it would probably take about 3 weeks to feel 100% again.  An inhaler and cough syrup with codeine were prescribed and I was out the door. 

Well.  Let me tell you that 6 days later (10 days into the whole ordeal) I'm still coughing like I can't catch my breath, and I feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest most of the time.  I get light-headed from all the coughing, but when I'm not actively coughing I feel fine (minus the elephant and all).  I've never had anything like this before.  So I guess if you're the praying type, please say a prayer that I either feel better REAL soon or know for sure that I need to be seen again if it's progressed to something that needs further care.  I'm terrible about waiting things out and not knowing when I need to be seen, because I always say "just one more day and I'll go in".  I'm just too busy to be running the 30+ mins to the doctor for each thing.  I need to be healthy.  I need to have energy again.  Last night was the first real meal I've given my family in over a week and it was obvious--everyone got excited when they saw I had stuff out for dinner!  How sad.  That was enough to almost break my heart because I LOVE cooking and baking for my family, and for the past week they've existed on sandwiches, cereal, oatmeal, frozen pizza and 1 night of take-out.

1 comment:

Heather Forcey said...

Feel better soon! I had a pretty bad cough that lasted several weeks a few months ago. It just felt like it took forever to get better. You take care of yourself. Try to get rest! Easier said than done.