Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring Snow

Unless my calendar is wrong, we are now officially in the season known as Spring.  Spring is when snow melts, grass and leaves grow, flowers bloom and the temperature starts to warm...right?  Now I know I live in Wisconsin and therefore anything can happen with the weather, but I've decided that this year is completely unfair.

We got snow yesterday.  Like a foot.  12" of snow.  On March 23.  Snow in March is not that unusual of a thing for us--last year we even had a dusting of snow in May.  But this year seemed like it was going to follow the calendar.  We were in the 50s a week ago and our snow was about 75% gone.  I could actually see more grass than snow in my yard.  The birds were here and singing and all was well.  Then we got dumped on and the temp isn't supposed to go above 35 for the next 5 days.  *sigh*  I'm just done with it all.

March 23 was the first snow day of the year for our school district.  Even with all the snow we got this winter, it all fell either on weekends or pre-arranged days off.  So the girls and I made the best of it--we played games, did art projects, painted nails, did "make-up-overs" as Mikayla calls them, ate cake for dessert after lunch and just hung around the house.  I didn't take a single picture, but meant to.  Oh well.

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