Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Happy Anniversary to me...oh, and Andy too!

Today is our anniversary. We've been together forever, but it was on this date that we made it official and became man and wife. There are lots of obvious ways that Andy lets me know he loves me--he provides for our family, he doesn't cheat and lie, he simply tells me that he loves me. But there are other ways he tells me, too, without using words.

So, happy anniversary to the man who:

*gets my toothbrush ready, sets out a vitamin, and fills a cup of water for me every so often when he goes to bed before me. They are all lined up on the counter, one little way to make my night run smoother.

*sometimes brings me home an extra treat if he stops at the store.

*kills spiders that are climbing on the ceiling since I can't reach them.

*has just as crazy and stupid a sense of humor as I do.

*will watch football, baseball, Grey's Anatomy or The Bachelor with me in bed.

*lets me snuggle up to him and warm my cold feet on his legs.

*always makes sure my fun mower is running in tip-top shape so I don't have to worry about breakdowns while camping.

*usually makes sure to shut off his alarm clock right away and moves about the house like a little mouse in the mornings, since he's awake 2.5 hrs before me.

*will try anything I make, but isn't scared to tell me if it's bad, or needs more salt, or is too spicy. And when he loves it, he makes sure to let me know, too!

*shares my random taste in music and appreciates that you can skip around from classic country to 90s hip-hop to hard rock and back again.

*thinks just like me and will finish my sentences.

*calls me during the day just to talk while he's on break from work.

*is honest if something I'm wearing doesn't look right, but when it does look right, he tells me I'm hot.

*is an amazing husband and father!

I love you, Andy!

1 comment:

Heather Forcey said...

What a sweet list! Congratulations to you both on your anniversary! It always makes me happy to see happy couples!