Monday, March 1, 2010


I was able to get away this weekend for some long-overdue scrapping. It was fabulous. I had a crazy week, so having 2.5 days to do as I please and not worry about much was heavenly. I got a lot done, some good girlfriend time, and lots of chatting and gossip. I give major props to Andy, who dealt with a puking Mikayla (though she only threw up once) without calling me to come home when I was only 10 mins away. He admitted he didn't want to ruin my weekend because she seemed fine and I don't get away much at all. Awwwww. When I got home yesterday, we were going to do our family Olympics but we all took super long naps and woke up when it was getting dark out. So that will have to wait for another time. Oh well.

And speaking of the Olympics, that's partly the reason for my lack of posting again lately. We all love the Olympics, especially the Winter Games. Every afternoon and evening, if we weren't running places, we were parked in front of the tv watching skiing, skating, snowboarding, curling, hockey...any and all of it. They are so great, but I'm glad they're done. They really take a lot out of me when I can't miss anything, so I go to bed much later than normal.

Anywho, this post is a bunch of mumbo-jumbo, but I felt the need to post something, anything, to get me back into the posting mood. Hopefully I'll soon have some fun pictures of our family Olympics. I have it all planned out, it's just finding the time to do it. Some day...

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